May 9, 2014

Bright Nursing Cover

This is the third nursing cover I've made. This isn't anything like Alli's quilting masterpieces but it felt good to get the sewing machine working! It's my favorite baby shower gift I guess since I seem to give them every time. Last April I made myself cutting instructions so I wouldn't have to measure and figure it all again. So glad I did. It was pretty quick to whip up that way.... except for the fact that I had a baby on my lap while sewing. I felt like my Grandma Beverly. Love her. She had 6 children and was always sewing something for someone. My mom said she always had one of the kids on her lap while sewing. I think that's why I didn't mind too much- just trying to rise to Grandma Beverly's expert sewing level!

Next time I think I want to make the strap at the top a little shorter. After it was sewn  it seemed to hang too low. I took a short cut and just folded it over and sewed on top. I only had a few hours to spare before the party so no seem ripping was going to happen. I love the bright colors! The mom-to-be doesn't know the gender but I thought this will work for either since it's really for mom.

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